Hello, this section tries to cover some aromatherapy uses that may be of interest to men. Some of the topics are certainly not limited to men such as injuries and stress. The information came from various people and books. Thanks to all of them. Comments and submissions for other topics are always welcome.
Injuries | Stress reduction |
For any medical situations, such as heart conditions, unusual inflammations or discharges, or any conditions that seem to "pop" out of nowhere, one should go seek the advice of a doctor. Someone once complained of indigestion during a picnic and everyone thought he just ate too much and had heartburn. He had a heart attack and ended up with a quadruple bypass. He was 37.
What follows are a few common ailments afflicting men and their suggested
Liver spots | Testicular cancer | Athlete's foot |
Impotence | Male menopause | Prostate problems |
© Copyright 1998 Susan Renkel, Luis Basto. All Rights Reserved
Updated 08/21/03
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Note: the original of this site is still out there on the web at http://www.cactus.org/~aroma/index.htm. However, I have no access to it to upgrade it, The original authors were students at the time it was put up and have long since moved on to other endeavors, leaving the folder in place. So I have recreated and relinked the site to this location. If you want to see how it looked originally you can find it by clicking through above.
-Michel Vanhove
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