Case studies are not scientifically set up, with many participants and control groups etc. They are however a description of an individual's reaction to a specific treatment. An accumulation of case studies can however form a valuable basis of information to work with.
A word of caution: the information given here is not intended as medical advice. We do not advise you to follow any of these "treatments" yourself. We advise you to obtain a full medical diagnosis and discuss your treatment plan with your doctor. If you choose to use aromatherapy as part of your treatment, please seek out the help of a trained aromatherapist first.
We will be including more case studies, and if you would like to contribute, the following format is suggested:
First, I'm NOT looking for suggestions of blends, etc, that you may have read in a book, or heard about. What I'd like is a "true story", in this format:
Name of therapist, some information about you and your training, and I'd like to credit you with your hometown area, and a contact email or phone number.
Description of client/patient (give him/her a fictitious name)
Description of troubling symptoms, or condition if diagnosed
Essential oils selected, by Latin name please
How blend used/applied
How frequently blend used, and length of time of "treatment"
Details of any variation in blend
Any reactions by client/patient, positive or negative
Please send email to:
Leg Cramps and Intensive Care Work
Poison Ivy (contact dermatitis)
This information is no longer being collected,but the linked case studies may be useful.
-Michel Vanhove
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